Tuesday, 13 workers were sickened by exhaust fumes and sent to an Indianapolis hospital. Indiana State Fair officials immediately started investigating a better way to prevent carbon monoxide buildup in the confined space were the workers were exposed.
The incident occurred at Expo Hall at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. Contractors were power washing the floors of the hall with more than 11 gas fueled machines running at the same time, like they had done for many years in the past. “Normally opening all the doors creates enough airflow to keep the air from being stagnate.”
Fairgrounds spokesman Andy Klotz attributes the high humidity to the lack of ventilation. He said every door in the hall was open and usually that’s enough ventilation, “but that didn’t happen today.” Officials are looking into ways of preventing an incident like this from happening in the future. Perhaps fewer machines could be used, the use of portable fans, or different cleaning methods completely are a few of the ideas being discussed. None of the workers suffered severe injuries, according to the Indianapolis Fire Department.
Fumes from a pressure washer should be a concern even for homeowners. Cleaning in confined areas like a garage, a basement, or even outdoors when there is little airflow can lead to carbon monoxide exposure. Always be sure there is proper ventilation, take breaks often to get fresh air, and stop immediately if you begin to feel light headed or woozy.
Thanks to Indystar.com for the whole story.